Ascension St. David Hermitage, Moscow Region Photo: Tatiana Belyakova. Entire project: «Ascension St. David Hermitage» / Russian Roads.
Ascension St. David Hermitage, Moscow Region
Photo: Tatiana Belyakova. Entire project: «Ascension St. David Hermitage» / Russian Roads.
Staritsa An ancient city in Tver province. Photo: Sergei Liudov. Entire project: «Staritsa» / Russian Roads.
An ancient city in Tver province. Photo: Sergei Liudov. Entire project: «Staritsa» / Russian Roads.
St. Nicholas Monastery, Belgorod Photo: Vladimir Korovin. Entire project: «St. Nicholas Monastery, Belgorod» / Russian Roads.
St. Nicholas Monastery, Belgorod
Photo: Vladimir Korovin. Entire project: «St. Nicholas Monastery, Belgorod» / Russian Roads.

Il progetto Дороги России (“Le strade della Russia”) è una raccolta di immagini naturali, culturali e storiche della terra russa. Tra le immagini, come rileva il sito della parrocchia di San Massimo vescovo di Torino, del Patriarcato di Mosca, si può trovare una grande quantità di splendide foto di chiese e monasteri. Per familiarizzare i lettori con la portata di questa meravigliosa risorsa, il sito mette a disposizione alcune istantanee che, a titolo di mero esempio, il portale Orthochristian.com offre ai lettori di lingua inglese. Per oggi, riteniamo inutile una traduzione: le immagini parlano già adeguatamente da sole.

Church of the Protection on the Nerl River Photo: Maxim Evdokimov. Entire project: «Church of the Protection on the Nerl River» / Russian Roads.
Church of the Protection on the Nerl River
Photo: Maxim Evdokimov. Entire project: «Church of the Protection on the Nerl River» / Russian Roads.
Monument to St. Sergius of Radonezh Photo: Olesya Tuktabaeva. Entire Project: «Monument to St. Sergius of Radonezh» / Russian Roads.
Monument to St. Sergius of Radonezh
Photo: Olesya Tuktabaeva. Entire Project: «Monument to St. Sergius of Radonezh» / Russian Roads.
St. Nicholas Church Ivanovo Province. Photo: Oleg Paladiev. Entire Project: «St. Nicholas Church» / Russian Roads.
St. Nicholas Church
Ivanovo Province. Photo: Oleg Paladiev. Entire Project: «St. Nicholas Church» / Russian Roads.
Holy Dormition-St. Joseph of Volokolamsk Monastery, Moscow province Photo: Maxim Zotko. Entire project: «Holy Dormition-St. Joseph of Volokolamsk Monastery» / Russian Roads.
Holy Dormition-St. Joseph of Volokolamsk Monastery, Moscow province
Photo: Maxim Zotko. Entire project: «Holy Dormition-St. Joseph of Volokolamsk Monastery» / Russian Roads.
Ascension Church. Metochion of the Dunilov Dormition Monastery, Ivanovo province Photo: Denis Sorokin. Entire project: «Ascension Church. Metochion of the Dunilov Dormition Monastery» / Russian Roads.
Ascension Church. Metochion of the Dunilov Dormition Monastery, Ivanovo province
Photo: Denis Sorokin. Entire project: «Ascension Church. Metochion of the Dunilov Dormition Monastery» / Russian Roads.
Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, Bykovo, Moscow province Arseny Rossikhin. Entire project: «Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, Bykovo» / Russian Roads.
Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, Bykovo, Moscow province
Arseny Rossikhin. Entire project: «Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, Bykovo» / Russian Roads.
Golden Gates, Vladimir Photo: Igor Litviak. Entire project: «Golden Gates, Vladimir» / Russian Roads.
Golden Gates, Vladimir
Photo: Igor Litviak. Entire project: «Golden Gates, Vladimir» / Russian Roads.
Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God Istra region, Moscow province. Photo: Maxim Seregin. Entire project: «Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God» / Russian Roads.
Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God
Istra region, Moscow province. Photo: Maxim Seregin. Entire project: «Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God» / Russian Roads.